Prizes awarded by the Dr Artur Fischer Foundation 2024

July 31, 2024 / Monika Werner

Jonas Kempter and Fabian Kraus are awarded with the Dr Artur Fischer Foundation Prize for their Master's theses at the MPA University of Stuttgart
[Picture: Sergio Miquel Müller]

Jonas Kempter receives the Dr. Artur Fischer Foundation Prize 2024 in the Technology, Processes and Methods in Construction category for his master's thesis entitled "Untersuchungen zum Schädigungsverhalten von Befestigungen im Beton unter Anwendung der digitalen Bildkorrelation" (Investigations into the damage behaviour of fastenings in concrete using digital image correlation).

Fabian Kraus was also awarded the prize in the Innovative Fastening and Reinforcement Processes category for his master's thesis entitled "Einfluss der Bewehrung auf das Ermüdungsverhalten von randnahen Befestigungen unter Querlast" (Influence of reinforcement on the fatigue behaviour of near-edge fastenings under shear load).

The prizes, endowed with 3,000 euros, were presented by Prof. Jan Hofmann, Dean of Faculty 2, at the academic graduation ceremony for the Civil and Environmental Engineering degree programmes. The two prize winners presented their results in the form of an entertaining science slam, during which the audience was able to gain exciting insights into their work.

The prize is awarded annually by the fischer group foundation for innovative and future-orientated theses at the University of Stuttgart.

We congratulate Jonas and Fabian on their outstanding achievements and wish them all the best for the future.    

Jonas Kempter hält seinen Vortrag
Jonas Kempter presents the results of his master's thesis on the use of digital image correlation in fastening technology
Fabian Kraus hält seinen Vortrag
Fabian Kraus gives an insight into his master's thesis on the effectiveness of reinforcement on the fatigue load-bearing capacity of near-edge connections in concrete
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